Traveling On My Own

Something I was never comfortable doing, for whatever reason I can’t even tell you. I started to write this post probably in 2018 when I went to Seattle by myself. I found it in my drafts. Just a title and one line. “Something I was never comfortable to do”. It’s fitting to have stumbled upon this just days after coming home from a trip centered around work, by myself, well at least for the first two days.

When I look back, I’ve traveled a lot on my own! My first trip ever on an airplane was to Georgia to visit my favorite cousins when I was 16. I wish I remembered more about what that felt like considering now I can’t get on a plane without a least two drinks and half of a Xanax. Off the top of my head I can remember traveling to San Diego and Palm Springs, rather scandalous and worthy of their own blog posts, along with Cleveland and Toledo to go visit friends, but it wasn’t truly until Seattle, that I traveled, arrived, and stayed by myself the entire trip.

I encourage everyone to take a vacation alone. I tend to be a daydreamer and only when I am truly alone am I allowed to keep the daydream and fantasy world alive in my head. I always tend to “find myself” in such situations and my best ideas come from my wild imagination.

Being married now, less than a year, taking a vacation by myself seems like something that’s only going to be one of those daydreams I catch myself in. I know in the future this is something that I am going to need for my soul and one day I can only hope that my husband will understand my need for solitary adventure and exploration. I can tell you for a fact however, I WILL travel alone again someday, abroad even, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get to be me again.

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